coL.Sodah Interviewed by GotFrag

Shortly after we announced our addition of a World of Warcraft squad, our new star Alex "Sodah" Ringe was interviewed by GotFrag. The interview talks about Sodah's thoughts of compLexity as an organization, along with the differences in arena since the new expansion arrived. Below is a little snippet of the interview.

What does Complexity offer, in your eyes, to you and your team?
CompLexity offers our team a clear direction in WoW, one which is much more serious and compatible with our goals. We expect to attend many 2009 tournaments, and with the reputation of CompLexity, I'm definitely very confident that we'll be taken care of.

Do you feel a sense of pressure or responsibility to play well under an organization name as well known as Complexity?
There definitely is a measure of responsibility which comes with joining the big boys. It means playing hard and playing well, and you can expect us to live up to the name.

If you would like to read more, you can check out the interview by clicking the link below.

Source: GotFrag

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