LO3 with DJWheat Debuts

CTN is thrilled to announce that the time has come!! Tonight marks the return of Marcus "DJWheat" Graham to the airwaves. LO3 is here!

The infamous DJ Wheat has generously offered to join our crew to bring you his one of a kind, cutting edge, no b.s. talk show. Marcus strongly feels that gaming fans worldwide deserve a weekly show and is set to deliver one that'll keep the forums buzzing. Here are some of the things you can expect to see in tonight Episode 1:

  • What is LO3? How did it come to be? How a promise turned into an eSports show...
  • What to expect on future episodes - News, Interviews, Special Events, etc.
  • DISCUSSION: 2009 is a New Year for eSports - Where are we at?
  • DISCUSSION: coL adds WoW Team + WoW/eSports Debate
Open Phones on all topics!

Be sure to tune in TONIGHT at 7:00 EST! Click HERE to watch L03 on the compLexiTV Network - your online source for video entertainment!

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