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Yesterday there was word that Warcraft would be coming to the iPhone. Thanks to the Application that ran Second Life last year, Warcraft may be playable on the iPhone. A four minute video was released showing a jailbroken iPhone operating the Vollee client, which was announced last year as a mobile application capable of playing Second Life.
Through the VolleeX engine, we can take full PC games, MMOs or even virtual worlds and stream them to any 3G enabled handsets. This means that you can now access games or full persistent online worlds right from your mobile handset. It's a real step forward for mobile games as you can now have meaningful connected experiences on your handset.
Vollee has announced a partnership with ActivisionBlizzard making a World of Warcraft port a possibility. When questioned about the functionality of the app, the poster of the video claims it's a "fully working app."
Source: Kotaku