Calgary, Alberta

BY Andrew Miesner / November 4, 2011

Today, compLexity Cross Counter flies to Calgary, Alberta, Canada for the Canada Cup 2011 Event. Representing Team USA, the team will be taking on teams from around the world, including Europe, Singapore, Korea, Canada and Japan. coL.CC’s Mike Ross and FilipinoChamp will join teamates Justin Wong, Wolfkrone, and Floe to prove that they are the world’s best.

The event is set to begin on Nov 5th & 6th and will feature eight international teams, competing for $5000 in a Double Elimination tournament.

The list of teams include:

  • Team USA: Justin Wong, Mike Ross, Wolfkrone, Floe, Filipino Champ
  • Team Canada: Air, Chi-Rithy, ????, ????, ????
  • Team Japan: Tokido, Mago, Bonchan, Shungoku Neurosis, Momochi
  • Team Japan 2: Kindevu, RF, D44Bas, MOV, Kazunoko
  • Team Singapore: Xian, Leslie, Real Deal, Zhi, HZY
  • Team Europe: Ryan Hart, Evans, Louffy, Coungster, Andreas
  • Team Europe 2: Kenpachi, Starnab, Boris, Skatan, Problem X
  • Team Korea: Laugh, Infiltration, Zzangmoo, Naraks, Whitedoong2

The games that will be played at Canada Cup 2011 include: Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition, Marvel vs. Capcom 3, Mortal Kombat 9, BlazBlue Continuum Shift 2, Tekken 6, Street Fighter HD Remix, and Street Fighter 3rd Strike.