Recently, via TeamLiquid, the IPL has announced their plans to host a $5,000 showmatch at the famous South by Southwest Event (SXSW) in Austin, Texas. 16 players have been nominated, including two players from compLexity.MVP in Keen and DongRaeGu. Below is the official release from the IPL:
Hello everyone! IGN Pro League will be hosting an event at South by Southwest or SXSW in Austin, Texas this year! We will be part of the Interactive portion of the event at ScreenBurn. ScreenBurn is the name of their video game culture exhibition, and you can read more about it here: ScreenBurn is free and open to the public on March 9th – 11th so please come and join us for an awesome time!
What is IPL doing there? Well, we are going to have a huge, LIVE showmatch right in the middle of everything, featuring two of your favorite players. The top two players in the poll in this very thread will be flown out to Austin, Texas by us to play in a live best of 9 showmatch for $5,000 worth of prizes. First place will receive $4,000, and second place will receive $1,000. Hopefully that’s enough on the line for just one series that the winning players will put on one heck of a show.
Now to meet your nominees from all over the world:
- QxG.SaSe
- EG.HuK
- MarineKingPrime
- Liquid`Sheth
- mouz.ThorZaIN
- FXO.Leenock
- RGN.KiWiKaKi
- WhiteRa
- coLMVP.Keen
- EG.IdrA
- Liquid`Ret
- SlayerS`TaeJa
- EG.PuMa
- Mill.Stephano
- Liquid`HerO
- coLMVP.DongRaeGu
16 players from 7 countries are vying for your votes so that they can fly to Texas and play in this massive showmatch! Who will the fan favorites be?
Head over to and place your votes (Two per person! Pick your favorites!) before midnight Pacific Standard Time on Monday, January 16th! That’s when the voting ends. Our two players with the most votes at that time will be flown in to take part in an unforgettable live showmatch! Please leave any questions, comments, and discussion here, as we’ll all be reading and eagerly watching as the poll progresses!
Head on over to this link to place your votes today and see your favorite players in action competing for $5,000 at Screenburn in SXSW! Voting will close on January 16th.