The first game of IPL Season 2 featured Season 1 winner EG.IdrA vs. coL.Drewbie. The map was Metalopolis and both players opened with fast expansions. Taking a huge risk, Drewbie expanded again giving him the economic edge on IdrA. This economic boost would prove critical, allowing Drewbie to mass up a huge force and Tank crawl his way to IdrA’s base. When the big engagement happened, IdrA misclicked throwing away his huge Muta ball on Marines and Thors, causing him to leave the game.
Game 2 was on Shakuras Plateau. Drewbie tried a Reaper expand build, but got caught off guard when IdrA snuck a drone into his base. Knowing pretty much everything that was going on, IdrA made a huge ling push that did some serious damage to Drewbie. Already so far behind, Drewbie really didn’t stand a chance once the Muta harass started up. Eventually IdrA just made a ton of Banelings and rolled into Drewbie’s main.
Game 3 was on Xel’Naga Caverns. Again Drewbie tried a one Rax expand into Reactor Hellions while IdrA fast expanded. IdrA was the first player to get aggressive going for a Roach Baneling timing attack. Unfortunately for him, Drewbie already had Siege Mode and Tanks of the field, so he smacked it down easily. feeling confident after that battle Drewbie moved out on the map. While clearing the rocks for a gold expansion, Drewbie got caught off guard and unsieged, losing all his army to Zerglings and Roaches. From here Idra was able to take the map and contain Drewbie. In a last ditch effort to get something done, Drewbie pushed out on the map. While he did manage to take down to bases, IdrA’s army was just too much.
After Drewbie vs. Idra, it was coL.Minigun’s turn to take the battlefield against his opponent Diestar. The first map was Shakuras Plateu and both players fast expanded. Diestar went with the standard Marine Marauder Medivac plus Ghosts composition. Minigun went with High Templar and Gateway units. Showing his fans that there’s a place for Warp Prism play in PvT, Minigun did some major damage to Diestar with Zealot drops. At one point, Minigun sent one Prism into Diestar’s main as a distraction while dropping 2 Templar at the natural. There he got some massive storms on the mineral line devastating Diestar’s economy. With almost no way to get back into the game, Diestar moved out. Minigun made short work of his opponent thanks to some clutch Feedbacks and Force Fields.
Game 2 was on Terminus RE. Diestar executed a the “Tasteless build” (Marine, Siege Tank, Raven, Banshee) flawlessly. He easily contained Minigun denying him an expansion while taking one of his own. Despite Minigun’s best efforts to fight back with Colossus, he just couldn’t break out of his base and was forced to GG.
Game 3 was on Crevasse and looked pretty similar to game one except Minigun used Colossus rather than Templar. He continued to show off his Warp Prism harassment, effectively containing the Terran player. This allowed Minigun to easily take the map and mass up a huge army of colossus and Gateway units. Minigun basically just ran up Diestar’s ramp and killed him thanks to some gorgeous Force Fields.
Starting tonight, season two of the IGN Pro League kicks off to much anticipation as compLexity’s Drewbie and Minigun are both in action. In the primetime matchup, Drewbie takes on Idra in a best of three series, while Minigun takes on DieStar in a best of three as well.
Drewbie vs Idra will be cast by CatsPajamas & PainUser while Minigun vs DieStar will be casted by Tastosis.
Stay tuned as Stalife is also in the latest IPL season. His match is scheduled to be on Sunday.