Today IGN’s IPL announced a new StarCraft II team tournament featuring $10,000 on the line and some of the best players in the world. Dubbed the IPL Team Arena, this tournament will follow the basic double-elimination format with teams playing a best of nine series. Teams will choose their first player blind and then, after the first map, the winner stays while the losing team chooses another player.
The teams participating include: SlayerS, Mousesports, Quantic Incredible Miracle, Team Dignitas, Team Liquid, Millenium, Team ReIGN and, of course, compLexity MVP.
The map pool includes:
The tournament starts up on December 5th with the broadcast going live at 5:00 PM PST (8:00 EST). The tournament will be streamed Sunday though Thursday until the finals on December 22nd. Commentary will be provided by in-house IGN Pro League casting team of CatsPajamas, HDStarCraft, and PainUser. To check out the schedule and rules, click here. Be sure to tune in on Wednesday, December 7th to see compLexity MVP take on Team ReIGN.