coL.LoL Announces Changes

BY Andrew Miesner / April 2, 2013

Today compLexity Gaming is announcing a roster change for our League of Legends squad.

Sam “Chuuper” Chu will be stepping down from the starting roster, though his time with the team has been filled with some outstanding League of Legends moments. Throughout this LCS Season 3, Chuuper has maintained a 2.4 KDA ratio, as well as 313 gold per minute, on average.

In his place we are happy to announce that we have signed Neil “PR0LLY” Hammad, formerly of Velocity eSports. We’re confident Neil’s strong play will enable the squad to reach new heights in 2013 and we are excited to have him on board.

coL.LoL captain Tyler “Lautemortis” Nicholls had the following to say about the change:


In the NA LCS we have come extremely close to pulling out victories for several weeks now. It is the belief of both the team and I that picking up PR0LLY will bolster our competitive experience, our mechanical skill and push us over the top in future games. We are extremely happy to have him on board and look to finish the season as strong contenders.


As we welcome PR0LLY here today, we’d like to wish Chuuper the best of luck. Thanks as always for your support. Stay tuned for lots of exciting LoL action coming your way!


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