AGAin to Frag eXecutors

BY Andrew Miesner / February 16, 2010

It was a really rough 2009 for AGAin. They were unable to stay in an organization that could stay alive. Now, they return to their home country and for the first time since 2007 they will represent a Polish organization.

Last year we saw the team play for MYM, WICKED eSports and Vitriolic. The team did not qualify for the Intel Extreme Masters World final in March. It is currently unknown which event the team will be attending next. Some of the players are competing in the Nations Cup for team Poland.


I’m overjoyed that after a tough year of 2009 we have finally found a home. The thing that makes me most happy is the fact that we will once again be able to represent a Polish organization which will hopefully improve communication and help us outline common goals for the future. Wiktor “TaZ” Wojtas, Frag eXecutors captain.


Frag eXecutors 1.6:

Wiktor “TaZ” Wojtas
Jakub “kuben” Gurczynski
Mariusz “loord” Cybulski
Filip “Neo” Kubski
Jaroslaw “pasha” Jarzabkowski

Source: Frag eXecutors via cadred