6 Year Old Finds Porn On New PSP

PSPWith the recent report of ecstacy pills being found in a previously owned copy of GTA IV in the UK. Now a brand new PSP which was given to a six year old boy has been found containing pornographic images in America.

In Florida, a mother bought her 6 year old son a PSP as a late Christmas gift from their local Wal-Mart store. On Saturday when the 6 year old turned on his PSP for the first time he saw the wall-paper of a 'naked woman'.

The mother claims that a memory card was already inserted into the PSP when they opened it, and said she did not put the memory card in there.

The mother then called the store and spoke to the manager, explaining the problem with the new PSP. "I explained the situation and his response was, 'well, bring the machine down and we'll let your son pick out a new game,'" she said. "And I was like, no I don't think you heard what I said." It's understandable with the pills found in the copy of Grand Theft Auto IV as it was pre-owned but it is a bit suspiscious when porn is found on a brand new PSP.

Source: SK Gaming

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