Azn to Step In at WCG/MSI Beat-It

Update: Kevin will also be filling in at the MSI Beat-It tournament in China next week. He will be replacing Jeff "hero" Mettetel who can not attend the event due to work obligations.

Starting on September 10th, 2010, several of CompLexity's teams will decend upon Universal Studios in Hollywood, California for the WCG National Final to determine who will represent Team USA for each of their respective games.

According to WCG rules, only citizens of the United States of America can participate. Due to this, David "Xp3" Garrido will not be allowed to participate as he currently resides in Canada. With the open spot in the coL.cs roster, we are happy to announce that Kevin "Azn" Wang will be stepping in to fill the void. coL fans will remember Kevin from his run with the Dallas Venom in the first year of CGS action as well as several powerhouse lineups from the past, including zEx and eMg. He recently participated in the Arbalet Dallas 2010 tournament as part of iDemise, along with coL's own Andrew "Irukandji" Timmerman.

The team will be practicing with Kevin as they normally would for any event in order to ensure that they have the best chance of coming out on top and representing Team USA.

This makes the coL.cs lineup for WCG:

Thomas "thoMz" Garcia
Derek "dboorN" Boorn
Jeff "hero" Mettetal
Andrew "Irukandji" Timmerman
Kevin "aZn" Wang

The roster for the MSI Beat-It tournament is:

Thomas "thoMz" Garcia
Derek "dboorN" Boorn
David "xp3" Garrido
Andrew "Irukandji" Timmerman
Kevin "aZn" Wang

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