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As previously mentioned Blizzard was going to be one of the attending headliners at this years E3 event. However after Blizzard sat down with GiantBomb for an interview, it appears that they will be skipping the event. The major let down comes to those that were attending, who will miss a chance at getting first crack into the highly anticipated titles of StarCraft 2 and Diablo 3. In lew of this epidemic towards the Blizz-fans, Blizzard will more than likely opt to use BlizzCon as the event to allow gamers to get some enjoyment out of new sequals. The EPS Finals in Paris will also have a StarCraft 2 tournament availale upon its release.
Activision, the company that works alongside Blizzard will still be in attendance at this years E3 along with Electronic Arts, Capcom, Konami and more.
Source: SK-Gaming