Blizzard Sues SC2 Hack Developers

In a recent story by Gamespot, it has been discovered that Blizzard Entertainment has taken legal action against the programmers of cheat and hack software for StarCraft 2: Wings of Liberty.

Last week, Blizzard filed a lawsuit against 3 different programmers on the grounds of creating and distributing software which violates the terms of the Blizzard EUA, ToS and copyright law.

According to Gamespot:

Blizzard is accusing the trio of multiple counts of copyright infringement and is demanding damages and disgorgement of any profits reaped by the distribution and sale of the hacks. The company also accused the defendants of inducing others to infringe on their copyright, saying, "When users of the Hacks download, install, and use the Hacks, they copy StarCraft II copyrighted content into their computer's RAM in excess of the scope of their limited license, as set forth in the EULA and ToU, and create derivative works of StarCraft II."

Blizzard has not commented on the lawsuits due to their sensitive nature as they are pending trial. Stay tuned to CompLexityGaming for updates on this story.

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