Bruno "bit1" Fukuda by HardPictures

In the series dedicated to the members of CompLexity Brazil, HardPictures has released a video featuring Bruno "bit1" Fukuda. The frags take place from matches during ESWC, WCG, IEM and local Brazilian events. The movie runs 4:31 in length and was directed by Gustavo "Guga" Copetti.

Technical Data
Name: Bruno "bit1" Fukuda - THE MOVIE
Size: 101mb
Lenght: 4:31
Produced by: Hard Pictures
Directed by: Gustavo "Guga" Copetti
Frags from: ESWC, WCG, Dream Hack, IEM and others.

Pendulum - Witchcraft
Good Charlotte - The Anthem
Scooter - Fire

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