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Tie breaker: de_russka
We have a very intense match on our hands today. Mindscape who has won 48 rounds in C3 thus far, and has given up 28 rounds total. They are looking to be a very strong side in this event, and are coming off of a win of 16-13 over eSSence. On the other hand we have Chronic Insanity who has played one more match than Mindscape. Chronic Insanity has 64 rounds for, and 27 rounds against. They 16-0'd their first opponents which was a huge win. They too are coming off of a 16-13 victory but it's over GameFrog. Mindscape is currently sitting in 34th place in CEVO-Main with a record of (5-5). Chronic Insanity sitting two places behind at 36th with a record of (4-7).
And the winner is: This is a tough match to call. Both sides are very strong, and no matter the result you can be sure you are in for a real treat. But every match has a winner and a loser, and mine is decided. Chronic Insanity > Mindscape.
This match will be a test of true skill, heart and dedication. Both teams have come from professional gaming backgrounds. This match really could go either way. GG No Re is a current CEVO-Professional team with a record of (4-10) sitting at last place in the league. Don't count them out though as they have been a team for some time now. Out to get Alex Sanders looks to be a PUG of some good former Counter-Strike Professionals. The two biggest names on that team being Jimmy "Lin" Lin and Ryan "phamtastik" Pham. GG No Re currently have a total of 64 rounds for and 18 against. Out to get Alex Sanders has 48 rounds for and 21 against.
And the winner is: Well, this is really a tough call. But since it is a team vs. a PUG I am going to have to go with the team. GG No Re > Out to get Alex Sanders.
Fragnet is a very strong side here in CEVO. They are currently in CEVO-Main and have a record of (10-5), sitting at 13th place. In C3 they have lost a total of 19 rounds, playing 3 matches total. They are definitely looking hot as of late going 5-2 in their last 7 CEVO-Main matches. Don't count IRBS out though. They have some strong players themselves. Weym0 former SLP player is very sharp with a rifle. They have several other familiar faces too. They have only given up a total of 22 rounds in 4 matches played for C3.
And the winner is: I am going off of stats and my knowledge of e-sports on this one since I have yet to watch IRBS play. I have though watched Fragnet on several different occasions. I am going to have to give this one to Fragnet, because they are a team, not a PUG. Fragnet > Infected Romanian Bendy Straws.
North Stars United is one of the more popular up-and-coming teams. They are performing well in CEVO-Main with a record of (12-2) and sitting just below compLexity in 2nd place. They have been phenomenal through out C3, only giving up 4 rounds. The story behind this one is they have only played one match. Three different teams have forfeited to them. Synchronous.NP is just coming off of a huge win against endurance. Endurance is a CEVO-Main team in 11th place (10-4). They are a great team, and it was an extremely close match. Synchronous is definitely a team that is capable of pulling off some upsets, but will they?
And the winner is: Well, most of you will be with me on this decision. As stated before NSU is a very strong side and have immense potential. North Stars United > Synchronous.NP.
Best of luck to all teams who are competing in C3. The matches will be going live at 6 PM EST on Saturday, March 07, 2009. The winners of these matches will advance to the final four, semi-finals. Keep it locked to for the latest and greatest gaming news.