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Today we are announcing a change in the compLexity CS:GO roster. After significant discussion, players, coaching staff, and management have come to a performance based decision to part ways with Kia “Surreal” Man.
Kia has been a member of the compLexity for over a year, uprooting his life in the UK to live in our Houston and Denver based team houses. Throughout this time he has been an excellent teammate and a friend to many within the organization. We would like to thank Kia for all of his hard work and dedication over the past 15 months and wish him the best of luck in his future endeavors.
In the coming weeks coL.cs will be evaluating multiple players for the open position on the team, with our next performance slated for the end of the month at Fragadelphia.
We thank you for your continued support of coL.cs and compLexity.