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coL.cs has just been announced as the latest competitor to the Inferno Online League tournament to be held one week after Arbelet Europe. With the team already planning to bootcamp for a week after Arbalet, the timing is perfect. The event is set to take place on May 22nd and 23rd.
To the winner of the tournament will be over 50,000SEK ($6845 USD) in cash, as well as the final spot in the Dreamhack Final 4 tournament in Jönköping, Sweden on June 19-22nd. SK, Fnatic and h2k have already qualified for the other 3 spots.
UPDATE: Despite some news outlets claiming Team EG was attending this event we have contacted the team and they are not and never were.
34 teams have already confirmed their participation in the event.
eucalyptus - flwstEr, revel, skytten
strangers - BJOERN, doomi, validus, zyNd, ebot
compLexity - dboorN evolution Xp3 thoMz herotowN
Swecon- zodiak, neogen, skrff, jhonnyj, relik
dwtr - manw, vilander, r0lf, jolle, funqy
novamania - DrillaN vuggo ezki Cool1awp
the bats punkt- eksem emilio shabi lillshabi jozic
Lanpangarna - niwen, ernesto, zedar, rause
quickpoint - awwe doit pyth quix
2easy4 - xektor, monch, vision, blizker1, aleex
brend - givar, plyfa, rdl, frisken, berra
combo: neron,zeiz,beez,zeki,appo
ONLINE-KINGDOM - korn, pekky, bjerke, arch, thundr
Begrip - godlike jaegarn fnazze xeron azl
coldgame - madsevl bnd twice domiNate maektig
RumNCoke - des kHRiLL laxenn miWe demy
neverborn - spozy, mono, zunzet, bassets, brownie
spotify - max_payne spixo zonti poke feddan
magicninjas - kye, alistair, kn0x, ch1pi
drömvinsten - akown zoddi paL realisten
Frost - Reeze,Chooki,Vetic,Padi,CazzEN
p0dCatZ - cON7TR4Y fizzy JT
Fritzfezt - dioz RIKZ BofinK rad
the nordic insects - heniz,windzki,fidzki,magica,micra
cbteam - kalle, REAL, syrtekz, prb, tacky
MYM - delpan, pita, zet, jumpy, FYRR7e
Antwerp Aces - cieseta, nookbrid, luosrevo, TRx, Monu
umop.episdn - eksem silverbane dalito rape sobek
limbokungen - frostnova, radix, eliotth, kylig, bergqvist - huggan, keiz, manne, pinne, dennis
H2k-Gaming - xizt, pronax, pop, barbarr, hyvlarn
Bespredel: pnkt, besp, aLLi, Rain, twizteed
INFAME: floreNz moddii Jumpy zneel Zyppe
venatus - Ns^, fain, FuzioN, KbH, Hewkie