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Unfortunately for coL, SK proved to be too much as they fell to the powerhouse on both de_nuke and de_train. coL.cs finished in the 5th-8th placing.
After two days of intense matchups, coL.cs has advanced to the quartfinals round where they will take on the other 7 teams that proved to be the cream of the crop in 2010. coL.cs managed to advance with 2 wins and 1 loss in Group F of Day 2, but the advancement wasn't determined until the last two rounds of the Fnatic/WMF match where Fnatic closed out WMF to send them packing and push coL through. The quartfinals get underway for coL as they take on SK, the winner of Group C.
ESWC Top 8 Matchups
VIDEO: Qpad's Christer Interviewed
VIDEO: ESWC 2010 Day 1
Official ESWC 2010 Gallery Online
VIDEO: ESWC 2010 - Hotel Room
ESWC Group Stage 2
VIDEO: Intro to Na`Vi
VIDEO: JaX interview from ESWC
VIDEO: Insider Peak - coL.cs pre-ga...
Evolution interviewed by ESEANews
JaX Cam - coL.cs vs WMF
CADREDorg Day 1 Gallery 3
ESEANews ESEA Gallery