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Today The Syndicate is thrilled to announce the new lineup that will take on the task of representing the venerable coL.cs roster. As we mentioned when releasing the previous squad, our goal was to find five players who possessed the passion, dedication and skill to return the legendary squad to the big stage. Also integral to our player search was finding the right mixture of leadership, motivation and chemistry. After speaking with numerous elite players and evaluating many roster combinations we think our American fans will be pleased to learn we have settled on an all North American roster.
For our in-game leader we have chosen David “Xp3” Garrido. Previously of France, David is now a Canadian resident and is eager to mold the new lineup into a perennial contender. We are impressed with David’s composure in-game, his knowledge of Counter-Strike strategy, his personal skill and passion for winning. His Loaded contract was bought out along with that of Scott “evolution” Cavallero, whose strong play impressed us during his previous stint with the team. From our most recent roster we have selected Derek “dboorn” Boorn and Thomas “ThoMz” Garcia, both of whom epitomized the traits we look for in successful players. To round out the team we are pleased to announce the return of fan favorite Jeff “Hero” Mettetal. When the opportunity to join this roster presented itself Jeff decided to scale back his dual city work responsibilities to one location so that he has the time to focus on the team and its several planned boot camps.
We are honored and excited to have all five of these players dedicated to the new coL.cs. We have had long discussions about our expectations surrounding Counter-Strike and community involvement and strongly believe the coL Community will be able to rally around this roster and in time be cheering for a top global contender.
Thanks as always for your support. We know many of our loyal fans have had a difficult time getting fully behind the recent coL.cs squads but we ask you to join us in our renewed optimism and welcome this exciting team.
Derek "dboorN" Boorn
Thomas "thoMz" Garcia
Scott "evolution" Cavallero
Jeff "hero" Mettatal
David "xp3" Garrido
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