coL.Dota Moving Forward

Today we are announcing changes to the compLexity Dota 2 team. At their request and effective immediately Simon ‘Handsken’ Haag and Linus ‘Limmp’ Blomdin will be released from the compLexity organization to pursue competitive opportunities back in the European region. Additionally, Rasmus ‘Chessie’ Blomdin will be stepping down from the coL.Dota team to address ongoing health concerns. Fortunately, Chessie will be continuing as a member of the compLexity organization, streaming under our banner during his rehabilitation.

Though today we are saying goodbye to some of our good friends, the compLexity Gaming organization will continue our pursuit of The Aegis. Led by brothers Kyle ‘swindlezz’ and Zak ‘Zfreek’ Freedman, coL.Dota is in the process of trying out new members, and our official roster will be announced soon.

“I've made the heartfelt decision to step down from the current coL.Dota roster to look to pursue other opportunities on my home soil. This was not an easy choice. The guys on the squad and those I worked around are people that I've befriended over many years. We leave on good terms and I'm sure we'll be competing against each other again, like we used to back in the day. Before I say farewell I want to express my gratitude towards compLexity. The time with them has definitely been the most pleasant time I've had with an organization during my career as a pro-player. I want to especially thank our "crew" that we've had with us through good and bad. Thanks to Kyle ‘Beef’ Bautista, Josh ‘Chef Josh’ Schmidt, and Sören ‘Fantasy’ Vendsahm. You guys are awesome and it wouldn't have been the same without you! Best of luck to my old teammates in whatever they choose to do!” - Simon ‘Handsken’ Haag

“All good things comes to an end, and for me it's time for a change. This experience was something else and I'd like to thank my teammates as well as Beef and Josh for that. I'd also like to thank compLexity for taking such good care of us, safe to say it's the best organisation that I've played for. See you on the flip side.” - Linus ‘Limmp’ Blomdin

“I want to thank compLexity for taking great care of us during this year, and I will be staying on board as a streamer for now. We attended 10 LAN events this year, and even though I have had great fun during all of it, it has been a stressful time for us all. Unfortunately, I have had some personal health problems unrelated to my previous back issues, and have decided to take a break from competitive gameplay for this first major to focus on getting that under control. Thanks to our fans for the support we've had, and I hope you'll come hang out in my stream!” - Rasmus ‘Chessie’ Blomdin

We would like to thank Handsken, Limmp and Chessie for their hard work, and thank the community for its continued support of coL.Dota and the compLexity organization.

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