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The Syndicate is happy to announce some recent changes in our Team Fortress 2 squad.
Pure has played Quake and Counter-Strike in the past and has played Team Fortress since the game came out. When asked for a comment he said,
Joining complexity has been a dream for me. The moment "these guys" joined coL, I was dying to join them. Being a part of coL is it. Nothing beyond it. Sure we will fall here and there, but when it comes down to it, this team, now a part of compLexity, will win every online and LAN tournament that is out there. I relish the opportunity to play with the best.
Sam "O`Plaid" Lingle, captain of coL.TF2 had this to say:
When Nick started to tire from playing medic, we wanted to find someone with experience and skill to replace him. Brad anchored our biggest American rival, eMg, for many seasons and played against us at Nvision, so we know what we're getting in terms of the person and player and couldn't be happier to have such a talented and dedicated medic on the team.
We wish TheFragile the best in his gaming future. Welcome Pure here!