coL.TF2 Interviewed Post-ESEA

The crew at CommunityFortress has recently posted an interview with the entire coL.TF2 team following their victory in Dallas, Texas during the ESEA Season 5 LAN Finals. The interview discusses their thoughts on the LAN, as well as their views on their current roster. An excerpt from the interview can be found below:

Not being able to play with your starting 6 players must have made a huge difference in your game plan. Were you able to create new strategies and successfully carry them out based on your backup?

Jaeger- We just made animeman play enigma's role to the best of his ability.

Carnage- animeman has played every class at the top level, he is CREAM OF THE CROP. He altered his game to play the same role as enigma did and pulled it off quite well 8)

Relic- Cant replace an Enigma, but animeman did really well.

Solid- Mithun did a great job filling in, but we did talk about how we wanted to show everyone that our strength wasn't just in our scouts, so we focused a bit more on our combo. In the end, we have basically a relic frag video reel.

Pure- We talked about picking up a player to fill enigma's role but then we thought about Mithun and we felt stupid for not thinking about it sooner.

Anime- I got the call from dan saying they needed me to fill in at the lan, and being in houston, it wasn't a huge hassle for me to drive down for a fun event. I am glad I got the opportunity to play with the team, my work schedule has prevented me from playing tf2 at all this past season, going into the lan I only had a short time to shake off any rust.

The entire interview can be found by clicking here

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