The world of esports is constantly evolving. New games emerge, old titles drop off, and new fan bases are created. In our 16 year history, compLexity has always tried to stay ahead of the curve. We strive to diversify our portfolio and represent as many beloved games as possible. We are proud to announce our venture in one of the most exciting new titles - Farming Simulator.
Over the past four years compLexity has had a strong farming presence in other games such as Dota 2 and we are looking forward to yet another installment of farming based strategy. As for our initial
#coLFARMilia squad, we are looking to nurture an organic team over time.
Together with
Jordan ‘CornDaddy’ Deaton, we have picked up an experienced gamer, but most importantly an experienced farmer who knows the fields in and out.
We will continue to evaluate the scene and further bolster our roster, but the foundation is set with our Farming Simulator superstar, who will get to work across all fields soon.