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A New Era for The CPL
Singapore 1st May 2010 - CPL Digital Entertainment Pte. Ltd. is pleased to announce the launch of the new CPL gaming portal and its acquisition by WuLong Ventures Pte. Ltd.
The big announcement from the Cyberathlete Professional League has finally come. Today, the CPL announced that their site will be organized around gaming communities and allow gamers to select which they would interact with. CPL has also announced that each organization will be given access to beta testing, content and leagues that are defined by the community itself.
Hunter Luisi, CTO of WuLong Ventures Pte. Ltd commented:
These channels mean we can break down the barriers and really listen to what our gamers want and react accordingly
Ryan Schumacher, newly appointed CEO of WuLong Ventures Pte. LTD also commented:
The new CPL is a departure from the professional gaming craze that has consumed most of the industry over the past few years and led to decisions that were not in the best interest of the community. We aspire to build a platform that empowers gamers with the ability to make key decisions about the games we support and how those games interact with our sites. While we respect the notion of professional gaming we feel there’s a need to get back to the roots that first allowed a community to develop through the CPL
Frank Yong, Chairman of WuLong Ventures Pte. Ltd. added:
The experience will be personalized for everyone and enable you to game the way you want. If you’re an RTS fan you can choose to participate in those communities and limit your engagement with other genres. In the coming weeks the CPL will be bringing features online and making additional announcements that will enable the community to shape this vision. This is really the first step in getting ourselves out there so gamers understand what the new CPL is all about. We understand the need for an open, online gaming community and are looking to fill that void through the CPL and CAL. By building an infrastructure that allows the community to stand on its own two feet we can provide a place gamers can call home
The CPL also continued on by saying that the new and previous owners are committed to paying those who have not yet been paid by previous CPL events. In the upcoming days, the CPL will provide information on how past organization can claim their unpaid prize money.
One of the major issues that have come up over the years has been the alleged non-payment of prize monies to a number of players from previous CPL events. As we start to unveil our new course for CPL, the previous owners and we would like to show our commitment to the community and those that participated in the past CPL events by paying anyone who can prove that they did not receive their prize payments. These claims will go through a vetting process and be audited by a third party. The form to begin the process, if you feel you’re qualified, will be released this week as part of the CPL Portal rollout.
Source: The CPL