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ESEA Season 5 playoffs are right around the corner, but before we can get to the race for the title we will see some All-Star action. Voting opens today and will continue until March 6th, 2010.
Below is a list of all the coL players that are up for nomination.
coL.cs up for nomination: Thomas 'thomz' Garcia (West)
Derek 'dboorn' boorn (East)
Andrew 'Irukandji' Timmerman (East)
Derrick 'impulsive' Truong (East)
coL.TF2 up for nomination: Carl 'exploit' Yangsheng (East)
Kyle 'relic' Mims (East)
Daniel 'carnage' Sturdivant (West)
Manny 'soLIDSnaKE ' Sy (West)
Michael 'Jaeger' Marcin (West)
Brad 'PYYOUR' Ross (West)
So make sure to head over to the Voting page and cast your votes.