Happy Birthday dephh & Monkeys-

The compLexity Family would like to wish borth Rory "dephh" Jackson (coL.cs) and Jaron "Monkeys-" Clinton (coL.Dota) a very Happy Birthday!

Rory 'dephh' Jackson is new to the scene, just starting close to 3 years ago and has transitioned into pro level CS quickly. Rory has traveled all the way from the United Kingdom to compete in the US, with desires to achieve big things. Rory's been playing games since he was a kid, but has always been drawn to the competitive side of gaming.

Jaron "Monkeys-" Clinton is new to the compLexity family, only joining the Dota team prior to the Boston Major. He started playing DotA from version 5.64b and then switched to Dota 2 in September 2011. He is based in Pennsylvania, and currently plays as three position.

Once again, we'd like to wish both Rory and Jaron a very Happy Birthday!

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