KT is a three Stage encounter. You’ll alternate between Stage 1 and Stage 2 three separate times. Once you’ve completed Stage 2 for your third and final time, you’ll transition into Stage 3. Being that this is the penultimate boss of the raid, there’s a whole hell of a lot going on, including two separate planes of existence for Stage 2.
Stage 1 Abilities
Kel’Thuzad has a mana bar. Several abilities cost Mana
He only uses Mana in Stages 1 and 3
Abilities using mana include Oblivion’s Echo, Glacial Wrath, and Frost Blast
In Stage 1, abilities cost 20% mana. In Stage 3, they cost 40%
Howling Blizzard
When KT reaches 0% Mana, he casts Howling Blizzard for 20 seconds that’ll leave ice patches on the ground
Standing in ice patches deals 13k Frost damage per second
These patches grow over the 20 second cast, then explode, dealing 50k Frost to anyone inside a puddle.
This is similar to how Wrathion’s fire patches worked. Start small, grow over time, then explode
They’ll cover a large portion of the room, so you’ll need to find a safe spot
When this cast finishes, the boss’s Mana is reset to 100%
Soul Fracture
Tank smack, deals mild Shadow damage & knocks the tank back
Also creates 3 Soul Shards of the tank
These are adds that spawn around the room, and must be killed
Each add applies a stack of Soul Exhaustion to the tank who was hit with Soul Fracture
Each stack increases Physical damage taken by 500%
Lasts 1 minute
Killing a Soul Shard removes a stack of the tank’s debuff
In addition to all this, the adds periodically cast Piercing Wail, dealing 12k Shadow damage to the raid
If all 3 Soul Shards are not killed within 1 minute, the affected tank dies.
Oblivion’s Echo
Puts a green circle debuff on several players for 6 seconds
Being inside the circle silences and pacifies you, 10 yard range
When this expires, it’ll leave the same circle just on the ground for 6 seconds
After 6 more seconds, the ground circle expires, and a FrostboundDevoted add spawns
These adds fixate a random target, and explode for 33k Shadow damage to anyone within 5 yards if they reach their target
Dark Evocation
Kel’Thuzad revives all slain Frostbound Devoted and makes them fixate again, and all slain players are resurrected and Mind Controlled to fight for KT
Kill your friends. You didn’t need them anyways, damn leeches.
Glacial Wrath
Puts a blue arrow above several players’ heads
After a few seconds, puts a swirlie down next to the targeted players. The swirlie then explodes, dealing 29k Frost damage to anyone hit & knocking them back
Leaves behind a Glacial Spike
These have a health bar, and lose 5% HP every 2 seconds
When they die, they explode and cast Frozen Destruction
Deals 16k Frost to all players, and applies a DoT to the raid
DoT deals 2k Frost per second for 10 seconds. Stacks. New stacks refresh duration
Frost Blast
Puts a giant soak circle on a random player, explodes after a few seconds
Deals 165k Frost damage, divided evenly by everyone hit
Also gives everyone hit a DoT, deals 5k Frost per second for 12 seconds
Also puts Frozen Binds on everyone hit, rooting them for 12 seconds
Dispellable, breaks from basically any anti-root ability.
Ice Shard
Tank smack, deals a big chunk of Physical damage
When Kel’Thuzad’s HP reaches 0%, you transition into Stage 2.
Stage 2 Abilities
In Stage 2, there’s two distinct planes of existence - the main platform and the Phylactery
In the KT plane, you’ll be fighting some undead-type adds
In the Phylactery plane, you’ll be killing the Remnant of Kel’Thuzad
The phase ends either when Vengeful Destruction & Undying Wrath go off, OR when the Remnant has lost 40% of his HP (or died)
Remnant’s HP persists through the encounter. The first Stage 2 ends when it reaches 60% HP remaining, second Stage 2 ends at 20% HP remaining, third Stage 2 ends when the Remnant dies.
At the beginning of Stage 2, KT becomes untargetable and starts casting Vengeful Destruction
Lasts 45 seconds
If this cast goes off, deals 50k Shadow to the raid
Interrupted when the Remnant has lost 40% of its HP (or dies)
Also at the beginning of the phase, KT turns green. Running and standing directly under KT ports you into the Phylactery plane
Kel’Thuzad’s Plane
KT summons some undead mods
Unstoppable Abomination
Abomination add, smacks your tank for big chunks of Physical damage
Also casts Demonish, shooting a wave of necrotic energy in a straight line towards a random player, dealing 31k Shadow to anyone hit
Soul Reaver
Banshee add. Periodically casts Banshee’s Cry
Launches a missile at random players every second, dealing 6k Shadow to the targets
Each set of missiles has their damage increased by 25%
Any adds killed in the Kel’Thuzad plane while the Phylactery is still open (meaning before the Remnant has lost 40% HP or dies), respawn after being dead 10 seconds and continue fighting you
Remnant of Kel’Thuzad stands there and lets you wail on him, but casts several things at the platform
Sinister Miasma
Deals 400 Shadow damage every 2 seconds while in the Phylactery
Stacks, meaning the damage down here ramps up dramatically over time
Shadow Fissure
Blue swirlies constantly appearing on the ground, exploding after a few seconds and dealing 31k Shadow to anyone hit by the explosion
Just move out of swirlies
Freezing Blast
Frontal ice thing, exactly like what Jaina did
Casted at a random player in the Remnant’s plane
Deals 10k Frost to anyone hit, and roots them
Glacial Winds
This ability is only present in your 3rd and final Stage 2
Creates several tornados that radiate out from the caster, spinning around the room from the center, eventually to the edge
Deal 1k Frost to anyone who touches them, and roots you for 4 seconds
Undying Wrath
When the Remnant reaches either 60% or 20% HP, he starts casting Undying Wrath
This is a 10s cast, and basically kills anyone who stays in the Phylactery plane
This is when you run to the portal and leave
Soul Marked
If you enter the Phylactery, then leave it, you’re unable to re-enter during that specific occurrence of Stage 2.
This does NOT prevent you from going into each Stage 2 Phylactery.
You CAN have the exact same group go down each Stage 2
Lots of info in this section, so let’s sum it up
There’s 2 Planes here - KT and Remnant
KT plane = undead adds that respawn 10s after they die
Remnant plate = swirlies and frontal, plus tornados the 3rd time
You have 45s to push the Remnant 40% HP
When the Remnant casts Undying Wrath, if you’re in his plane, run to the portal and GTFO
You’ll repeat Stage 2 three separate times.
Necrotic Surge
Each time a Stage 2 ends, Kel’Thuzad revives with 100% HP and increases his damage by 5%
Also causes Oblivion’s Echo and Glacial Wrath to target more people for the remainder of the encounter
Necrotic Empowerment
Any adds that aren’t dead on the main platform when Stage 2 ends are buffed, increasing damage by 25% and becoming immune to crowd control
Once you’ve completed the third Stage 2 and the Remnant is killed, you’ll enter Stage 3
Stage 3 Abilities
Sinister Miasma
Same thing as in the Phylactery - 400 Shadow damage every 2 seconds, stacks, damage ramping up over time
Deep Freeze
Creates ice patches periodically that last for the remainder of the encounter
Standing in ice deals 13k Frost damage per second
Onslaught of the Damned
Kel’Thuzad calls more of the Stage 2 adds throughout all of Stage 3, which must be tanked and killed
Additionally, whenever this is cast, any dead players are resurrected & mind controlled to fight for Kel’Thuzad
Frost Blast & Ice Shard
Same as in Stage 1
Stage 1
Tank Kel’Thuzad a bit off-center
When Soul Fracture goes out, tank swap on boss
The raid should kill off the Soul Shards as quickly as possible, so you don’t miss the 1 minute timer and have your tank just die, and to minimize how many casts of Piercing Wail go off
Players affected by the Oblivion’s Echo debuff should move towards the edges of the room to drop their circles
When the Frostbound Devoted adds spawn, throw some slows up on them and DoT them up
These aren’t #1 priority, but you don’t want to completely ignore them
If you’re fixated by one of the adds, just kite it. Don’t let it reach out
Players affected by Glacial Wrath should make sure they’re not standing on top of each other
When the Glacial Spikes pop out, you’ll need to stagger killing them because of the DoT stacking
Your Raid Leader should mark a Skull, and all DPS should hardswap to this and blow it up
When the DoT has 2 seconds left, the Raid Leader should call the next Spike to kill, and DPS should swap
Continue this for the remaining Spikes
When the RL calls for killing a Spike, that becomes absolute #1 kill priority above all else
Whichever Spikes aren’t actively being focused, should largely be ignored. Don’t DoT or pad on the rest of them - it could actually cause a wipe if you accidentally kill a Spike too early and the raid’s debuffs refresh
For Frost Blast, you’ll want 5 or 6 people helping soak to split the damage. More than 8 soakers could be an issue due to the DoT effect everyone gets.
Use whatever you can to break the roots. Dispels, Mass Dispel, Blessing of Freedom, whatever you have
If possible, use a damage mitigation CD like AMZ or Barrier to help with the initial damage of the explosion
When the Howling Blizzard is cast, find a safe zone
There will be several safe zones of varying sizes. Any works, just make sure you don’t stand in a puddle
After Kel’Thuzad casts Dark Evocation, make sure to slow the adds that respawn and throw DoTs on them. If there’s no Spikes or Soul Shards out, blow up the Devoted dudes
For the second and third occurrences of Stage 1, keep in mind the buffs KT gets
The second Stage 1, he’ll do 5% more damage. The third, he’ll be doing 10% more damage
Additionally, there’ll be more people getting Oblivion’s Echo and Glacial Wrath each time
This means more Frostbound Devoted adds each time, and more Glacial Spikes
The Spikes in particular get to be an issue
By the 3rd Stage 1, you’ll likely need to kill 2 Spikes at the same time early on, using at least 1, if not 2, healing CDs to keep the raid stable. Without doing this, you simply might not have enough time and risk an accidental refresh instead of an intentional one
Stage 2 Strategy
Since there’s 2 distinct planes you fight on, we’ll discuss each separately
You should send down about ⅓ of your DPS for each Stage 2
You’ll want to send down your bursty single-target DPS for this. You can send down the same group each time, so having good ST burst helps speed this phase up
Tanks do not need to go into the Phylactery
Kel’Thuzad’s plane
Tanks need to pick up the adds, make sure they aren’t just smashing your raid
Interrupt the Soul Reaver casts as much as possible
In an ideal world, coordinate killing the adds when the Phylactery folks, so the adds die within 10 seconds of the Remnant reaching his health breakpoint
By doing this, you’ll avoid respawns of the adds completely
Phylactery plane
Dodge swirlies, they come pretty much non-stop
Don’t get hit by the frontal. It’s super obvious, literally the same spell that Jaina did
In the third Stage 2, avoid the tornados. They start at the boss, spinning outwards. Probably wait a few seconds before going in, or they’ll just blast through you
Coordinate your push timing if possible, as stated above
Stage 3
You’ll want to pop lust as soon as Stage 3 begins
This is a wild, chaotic race
Sinister Miasma means there’s ticking damage the whole Stage, increasing in power the longer the boss lives
Deep Freeze will slowly fill up the encounter room, forcing you to move to avoid the puddles and have space to work with
Adds continue spawning, meaning you have to deal with them. Tank them on the boss for cleave/AoE, but focus damage should be on Kel’Thuzad himself
Keep soaking Frost Blast as you were in Stage 1
As you get into the later stages here, it may be worthwhile to just sacrifice the target of Frost Blast