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The Lo3 Double-Header - WCG's Ultimate Gamer and ESL/KODE5 Aftermath; Special guests Carmac, fnatic, Gravitas Gaming, Ultimate Gamer knockouts
djWHEAT and Slasher's Live on Three (LO3) is back after last week's absence while Marcus was at the SXSW festival in Austin, Texas. Because of this, we will be having a double-header this week with shows on both Wednesday night and Thursday night (early Thursday morning and Friday morning for our European friends). A lot has happened in the past 2 weeks of competitive gaming to talk about including the ESL finals, the KODE5 USA finals, WCG Ultimate Gamer's debut on the Scifi channel, Moon's record contract, and in breaking news, ESNation's demise while MYM hangs by a thread.
Special guests for Wednesday night's show include Patrik "cArn" Sättermon and Christopher "GeT_RiGhT" Alesund of ESL CS champions fnatic, who will talk about their title run after an up and down season. Ediz "goodfornothing" Baso and Shaun "hostile" Catron of KODE5 USA winners Gravitas Gaming will be on to talk about the event and their thoughts on the other teams in the US, including disappointing finishes by Evil Geniuses and compLexity. Finally, we will talk to JD aka "Kosherhamm", who was eliminated from week one of WCG's UltimateGamer, who will discuss his feelings of the show and how he was booted off.
We will have a very special guest for Thursday night's show as ESL's new product manager and longtime eSports journalist Michal "Carmac" Blicharz will join us for an extended period of time. We'll talk with Carmac about his new job at ESL and how he plans to push ESL's products to fans, the ESL finals, what's in store for the next season of the Extreme Masters, and his thoughts on all of this week's topics. Kelly "MrsViolence" Kelley, who was kick off week two of UltimateGamer, will also be joining us to discuss her time on the show.
Tune in on Wednesday, March 18th and Thursday, March 19th at 7 PM EST/1 AM CET (early Thursday morning and Friday morning for Europeans) at the following links. Wheat will be on the air an hour earlier with Wheatisms and music.
You can watch HERE on CTN or HERE to join the chat.
Wednesday's Recording:
Thursday's Recording: