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Tonight's Penn & Teller: Bullshit! is the highly anticipated episode on video game violence. For those who don't know, Penn and Teller's: Bullshit is a hit show on Showtime that features two world renowned master showmen in Penn and Teller. Together, their humorous yet scientific approach to debunking today's issues or topics has inspired millions to rethink their views and see "the truth". Tonight on the show, Jack Thompson will make an appearance. Jack has been known for his public hatred of video-games and his open debates that they are the reason for some of the most violent acts today.
The program airs at 10:00 p.m. Eastern/Pacific on Showtime. From the P&T:BS! website:
In episode 703, the duo debunks the theory of politicians and other alarmists that playing video games leads to teen violence by handing over a real semiautomatic weapon to a nine-year-old video game player to see if he becomes a human killing machine.
Below is a promo of tonight's show: