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Update: coL.cs vs Gravitas Gaming has been rescheduled due to CMN issues.
After issues plagued last night's compLexity.cs's triple header, matches were moved and rescheduled. Tonight, we are faced with another great night of potential matches, two being matches that were set to run yesterday.
The first of coL.cs's matches will begin with one of the matches that was slated for yesterday. This match is for CEVO's Week 6:2 on de_inferno.
Loaded stands with a 7-3 record along with a forfeit win. Their only losses have come against the top two teams from last season in fairly close matches, being a 16-14 loss to compLexity.cs, as well as a 16-10 loss to EG. They also lost their match last night to that also took place on de_inferno.
Scorebot: #compLexity
Another of the matches that was set to be played last night is this one versus Gravitas Gaming. This match was originally to be played for CEVO's Week 4:2, but conflicts have continually pushed it back. The map they will be playing is de_dust2.
The last and final match of the night will take place at 11PM EST versus Blight Gaming. This is another match from a previous week, being Week 5:2. Blight will be bringing their 4-5 record onto de_forge to face compLexity and their perfect season so far.