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Tonight coL started off on the terrorist side of dust2 during the EG match. coL was hot out of the gate from the get go putting up huge rounds from NineSpot and Irukandji. coL was able to put a huge gap in rounds going up 11-0 before dropping the first. The half ended in a 13-2 lead for coL. CT side went quick for compLexity as they picked up the pistol and the remaining rounds. The match ended 16-2 in favor of coL. GG to EG!
For the second match of the night, coL took on Grid05 on tuscan. coL started off on CT side holding the fort down. coL absolutely dominated the attacking terrorists and left no room for grid05 to get any sort of hope. With a 14-1 CT side under the boys' belt, coL looked to shut out the match on T side. Grid05 was able to pick up the pistol and a few rounds before coL was able to close it. The final match score was 16-6, GG to grid05.
Tonight, we kick off another night of action with coL.cs on the prowl for more wins in another doubleheader. The first match of the night is a clash of the two titans, with coL.cs facing off against EG in another battle, one that could go either way based on the history of the teams matchups. Check out this video on the match tonight:
Also tonight, coL.cs will be taking on GRID05. GRID05 is considered to be more of a pug than anything. They have not had a very solid season yet, and skipped out on the ESEA-Invite Finals. coL.cs should not have an issue taking this match with a win, but you can't count GRID05 out completely. They have a solid roster with great talent and if they are able to execute together, they might pull something out here.
coL.cs will be playing EG on de_dust2 and GRID05 on de_tuscan. HLTV will be posted here and in #compLexity, and scorebot will be in #complexity.