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Tonight begins another potential long set of matches. After last night, coL.cs was able to take on three matches, and came away with the victory in each one. In taking those victories last night, coL.cs has set themselves into the third place position for ESEA standings. With three makeup matches remaining in their season, they're hoping to clean up for another potential move up the standings.
For the first set of matches tonight, coL.cs buckles down to take on Turmoil back-to-back in two of the three back-to-back ESEA makeup matches. Turmoil currently sits in second place overall, but with a couple more makeup matches than compLexity. This is the first meeting between both teams after having seemingly swapped players, in evolution and thoMz.
The maps for these matches will be de_dust2 and de_nuke. Matches are set to begin at 7:30 PM EST.
coL.cs Welcomes thoMz
PG2: coL.cs vs.; thoMz debuts
Evolution to Turmoil
After the opening matches, coL.cs is set to take on for ESL playoffs. Round 1 of the ESL playoffs seemed to end uneventfully, as each team that advanced won two matches to none against their opponents; for, defeating, and for coL.cs, defeating Area51.
In this Round 2 matchup, both teams will be looking to grab the two quick victories, before moving on to take on the winner of Turmoil and Excello.
This match is set to start at 9:00 PM EST.
Finishing off this late night, coL.cs will be facing Infamy in the last of their ESEA makeup matches. Infamy is sitting at a 10-4 record, one loss more than compLexity's current record. This matchup probably won't do much to both team's overall playoff berth, other than jocking for final standings.
This marks the first and only match for these teams against each other. The map will be de_cpl_mill, a map that both teams have victories on this season; a 16-9 win for Infamy over Excello, and a 16-4 win for coL.cs over ITALIAN DREAM.
This match is set to start at 12:30 AM EST.