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Unfortunately, due to technical difficulties on ESEA's part, HLTV was not available for tonight's match vs Artic Thugz. From the get-go, coL took it to AT, taking pistol round and the 5 rounds that followed before AT was able to grab one by outfragging coL. That was one of the few bright spots of the half for AT, as coL took the half 13-2. In the second half, the Artic Thugz were able to grab the pistol round from coL, as well as the subsequent rounds that followed. In the 4th round of the second half, coL was able to get the bomb down and hold the site, making the score 14-5. AT, however, was able to outfrag coL on the following 3 rounds, making the socre 14-8, forcing coL to save the next round. coL was able to take the 25th and 28th rounds of the match, making the final score 16-12 in favor of compLexity. Good game to both teams!
Tonight coL.cs takes on Arctic Thugz for ESEA-I Week 6:1 on de_inferno. coL so far has been rolling along in ESEA-Invite until they hit the speedbump that was 00 during last week's match. Arctic Thugz has been struggling all season only being able to beat Area51. Sitting at last place out of the 11 teams, it looks to be very hard for them to come out with a win tonight. The match will be starting at 9PM EST and we will have spectator information and a scorebot in #compLexity. Stay tuned!