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coL.cs started off on Terrorist and played fantastic from the get-go. With strong play from zid, method, and sunman, the half ended 10-5. With coL looking good going into the CT half, they took the pistol round, and the two rounds after that. cpd responded with the fourth round buy round to kill the momentum for a few rounds. Both teams traded rounds until coL got enough rounds to secure the match. The final result was 16-8 in favor of coL, good game to cpd.
Tonight compLexity.cs will be taking on cpd on de_tuscan. The last match on train was against motus, where coL's counter terrorist side was too much for them to handle. It looks to be an exciting match. The scorebot will be in #compLexity like usual, along with HLTV spectator info. Match time is 11:00PM EST, so keep it locked to for coverage!
Scorebot: #compLexity
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