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compLexity got off to a strong start on CT side of de_inferno with strong play from thoMz to take pistol and the 2nd round. Exigent was able to win the 3rd and 4th round to tie the score up. Once coL was able to buy it was smooth sailing from there, with dboorn and thoMz leading the charge. The guys finished the half with a score of 12-3. In the second half, coL was able to grab the pistol as they took the b-site with ease. Exigent, however, was not going to go down without a fight as they were able to grab the next round on an eco with great deagling by deacon. Exigent managed to take several of the following rounds before coL put a stop to the run and took the final rounds and the match by a score of 16-8. Good game to both teams!
Tonight marks an exciting return of the ESEA-Invite Season 5 league as the Season 4 Champions, coL.cs, open up with a regular season match, taking on Exigent.
coL.cs comes into this match fresh off of an ESEA Championship and 3rd place finish at Dreamhack Winter 2009 in Sweden. Exigent, on the other hand, is looking for a better season this time around as they went 5-11 last season, missing the playoffs.
The match is set to begin at 10PM EST on de_inferno. Stay tuned for updates and the HLTV IP, as we will be posting them as soon as we have them.