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coL started off the night with an absolute spanking of Gravitas Gaming, taking the match 16-1 behind big plays from savi0r. In the second half of the match, the lack of HLTV forced everyone to huddle in the small corner of the #compLexity IRC channel in order to catch the action. Starting off on Terrorist side of Inferno, coL dropped the first several rounds before finally grabbing one and making the score 6-1 in favor of Area 51. Area 51, behind the fragging of mehLer was able to take coL head on, winning the half 11-4. coL, however, was able to take the pistol round and mount a comeback, all the way until the last two rounds of the match, taking the lead at 15-14 and the match at 16-14. Good game to both teams!
Tonight coL.cs is in action with a double header starting at 10PM EST. The first opponent is Gravitas who seems to have quietly faded recently. Some people questioned whether they were still alive or not with a 16-0 FF to Dynasty. With other results, things have been closer than they should've for Gravitas' matches. Whether this could be a sign for possible changes soon, time will tell. This match will be featured at 10PM EST on de_nuke.
The second match of the night will be vs Area51 who we met a few matches back with a nice 16-3 win. This time the match will be played on de_inferno where we saw coL have a fantastic CT side against Arctic Thugz in last night's match. If coL starts CT again, expect a really strong half once again to set the tone for the rest of the game. This match will start at 11PM EST following the Gravitas match.
Scorebot and spectator information will be in #compLexity 15 minutes prior to the match. Stay tuned!