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After a slight delay due to some technical difficulties, the match between coL.cs and Loaded got underway. Loaded took it to compLexity on the pistol round, only allowing 1 return kill. However, in the 3rd round, coL.cs was able to pull of a trademark deco to take out Loaded and secure the 3rd round. The momentum continued as coL, behind the hero and dboorN's excellent holds at their respective sites, were able to take the half 10-5. In the second half, coL took the pistol with a dominating glock push on the A site. They were also able to take the rounds that followed, taking the match by a score of 16-8. Good game to both teams!
Tonight, coL.cs takes on Loaded for ESEA Invite Week 3-1. coL.cs is fresh off of 3 dominant performences as they took on Blight.usa, d1versity, and j1n last week. As the only coL division that didn't compete on LAN this weekend, coL.cs is looking to get into the action, while loaded is looking for revenge after they took coL.cs to the last round, losing the match in CEVO Week 1-2. The match is scheduled to begin at 10PM EST and will be on de_inferno. As always, scorebot will be in #compLexity.