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coL got off to a great start on terrorist. Lookin hot from the start, the team had a fantastic half and their strats were too much for SOV. The first half concluded quickly 12-3. Second half started with coL taking the first 2 rounds before SOV stopped the momentum. SOV was able to pick up 4 rounds before the coL train started and the boys finished out the match. The final score was 16-7. Good game to SOV!
Tonight coL.cs takes on Something Vicious for the final week of CEVO-M. coL is currently bootcamping for the KODE5 USA Finals this weekend and is looking to finish off CEVO strong. They have experienced only 2 losses this season so far and another win would put them at 14-2. Something Vicious started off this season strong but around midseason, they experienced mixed results up until tonight. The match is set to take place at 11PM EST on de_inferno. Spectator information will be in #compLexity. Stay tuned!
Scorebot: None
Live Stream: compLexiTV