PG2: coL.cs vs Undertow


Tonight's match has been overturned as bN, the strat caller for undertow, was caught cheating by CMN. By watching the match, you can clearly see the team's strats being anticipated and countered like clockwork. Complexity has also received confirmation that bN was ghosting and advising his teammates, once he was dead. On a brighter note, the sudden surge of bans coming from the new version of CMN show that it's working better than ever. We look forward to using it to ensure we have a legitimate C3 tournament this coming weekend!


Tonight coL.cs started off strong on the CT side with a nice gap of 6-1. It looked as if Undertow was going to get blown out until they stopped coL's momentum and evened up the score. coL was able to pick up another round before the half ended 8-7 in undertow's favor. The second half started off and didn't look good for the boys at all. Undertow took the momentum they gained in the second part of the first half, and rolled with it into the second half. Undertow managed to keep coL from getting a round and ended the match 16-7. Good game undertow.

Match Recording


Tonight compLexity.cs will be taking on undertow for week 6-2 of CEVO-M. Throughout the season we've seen coL progress greatly and build up bigger, and bigger margins in their wins. They currently sit at a 10-1 record and show no signs of slowing down. Tonights map is de_tuscan. Undertow experienced a hard loss to NSU in overtime on tuscan during the week 6-1 match. The scorebot will be in #compLexity like usual, along with HLTV spectator info. Match time is 11:30PM EST, so keep it locked to for coverage!

Scorebot: #compLexity
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