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Tonight the compLexity TF2 squad took on team H20 in round 4 of the TF2 OCZ $2500 Open - Tournament. During the entire match, coL rushed capping all of H2O's points. Tonights match was an easy 5-0 win. Good game to H2O.
Tonight the compLexity TF2 squad is set to take on team H20 in round 4 of the TF2 OCZ $2500 Open - Tournament. H2O will be coming into this match with a win from round 3 against DJedi 5-4. Team H2O is currently 3-0 in this tournament. Tonights match will be played on cp_granary and that is a strong map for the TF2 squad. The match time is still to be determined. We will be bringing you spectator information as soon as it is available for the match. SourceTV will be posted here and in IRC at #compLexity. Keep it locked on the site for all of your gaming coverage needs!
Update: compLexity has recieved a FF Win in round 3. The Red Army is a european team and therefore the match is FF win do to time zone differences.