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Tonight, on cp_granary, compLexity.TF2 was able to take an early lead against Loaded. Behind the solid play of Sam "oPlaiD" Lingle, coL was able to successfully extend their lead to 4-2 before taking the final round of match by a score of 5-2. Good game to both teams!
Tonight the compLexity TF2 squad takes on Loaded in round 11 of the CEVO OCZ $2500 tournament. coL is coming off two convincing wins in both the CEVO tournament against UG and ESEA-Invite, which happened to be against Loaded on cp_freight. coL was able to take the match by a score of 5-1. Loaded, however, is currently sitting at 6-0 in the CEVO standings, but compLexity looks to be their toughest competition by far. With this tournament using best of three rules, anything can happen. The match is set to begin at 11PM EST. SourceTV will be posted here and in IRC at #compLexity. Keep it locked on the site for all of your gaming coverage needs!Pre-Game
Scorebot: #compLexity