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Tonight the compLexity TF2 squad went against the number one team in CEVO-P and ESEA, team Pandemic on cp_granary in a bo3 (Best of out 3) match. During the first map on cp_granary, coL started out good on the second half scoring two points in the game. As the second half started, team Pandemic came back into the game by rushing the middle control point and pushing coL back to their spawn point every single round. Team Pandemic was able to pick up three additional points ending the game for the first map. The score was 5-3 in favor of Pandemic.
During the second map cp_badlands, team Pandemic picked up three point during the first half. compLexity slowly started to get back into the game and recieved two points in the first half. Both teams switched sides. After a rough first half coL pushed up and took over Pandemic's control points picking up an additional point in the game. Shortly after, Pandemic pushed coL back to their spawn and picked up an additional point as well. At this point Pandemic only needs one more point to win the game and become ESEA Champs. Out of no where, coL pushed up once again and capped all points recieving another point in the game. After several back-caps coL pushed up and took over Pandemics last control point. The score was 5-4 in favor of coL.
At the beginning of the third map cp_gravelpit, coL was on the RED team defending the control points while Pandemic was on BLU. Pandemic capped A in 0:55 seconds. Later, Pandemic capped B and coL had no choice but to focus on C and defend it as long as they could. After a long round Pandemic finally capped C and the total time was 9:38 for coL to beat.
Both teams switched sides as coL was on the BLU and Pandemic on the RED. coL capped A without any problems. After a few minutes coL was able to clear out B and cap B, forcing Pandemic to go back to their spawn and defend C. With less than 3:00 minutes left on the stop-watch, compLexity was still trying to cap C. Time ran out and compLexity was not able to beat Pandemic's time.
Both teams switched sides once again. coL capped A in 0:46 seconds. A few minutes later coL capped B as the time was 3:22. coL.Reptile and coL.oPlaiD both captured C as the time for Pandemic to beat is 5:58. Both teams switched sides and here we ago again! Without hesitation, Pandemic capped A right away. Less than 3 minutes on the stop-watch time is running out and team Pandemic has not yet capped B. Pandemic capped B and the time is only at 1:30. Pandemic was not able to beat compLexiy's time therefore coL picked up their first point int he game. The second half ended and the score was 1-1.
Overtime underway and both teams did not switch sides. Pandemic capped A in 0:43. A few minutes later Pandemic capped B and C. The time was 4:05 to beat. Teams switched sides once again. coL capped A quickly. With less than 1 minute left on the clock compLexity does not have time to cap B and C together. Pandemic successfully defended B and C. The final score was 2-1 in favor of Pandemic. Good game to team Pandemic and congratulations!
Tonight the compLexity TF2 squad takes on team Pandemic in the ESEA-o finals match. Pandemic will be coming into this match with a win from last weeks match against team Dynamic 5-1 on cp_badlands. Both teams met eachother a few weeks ago in a championship finals match in which team Pandemic won CEVO-P finals. Can compLexity take home another championship win and be announced ESEA Champs? The match time is at 11:00 PM EST. We will be bringing you spectator information as soon as it is available for the match. SourceTV will be posted here and in IRC at #compLexity. Keep it locked on the site for all of your gaming coverage needs!