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Yesterday, a story by was released featuring a pre-match interview with compLexity and EG. The inverview covers both team's thoughts on their match-up, which will take place tonight at 10PM EST, as well as North America's top teams and a look ahead into CEVO playoffs.
Is there a particular player on the opposing team you’re most concerned with?
Not really. We can only control what we do and how we prepare ourselves to give us the best chance to win. No point in worrying yourself about how "good" the other team players are.
Assuming you are the two best teams in the country, who do you consider to be the 3rd and 4th best?
The general consensus is us, EG, and Gravitas of being the top 3 in the US with a couple teams going in and out for the 4th. I’d say Frag Dominant or Loaded could be the 4th at this moment.
Considering the frequent roster changes most CS teams undergo, what is your key to roster stability?
With any team there will be high points and low ones too. It's important to work through the grind of those low times and you'll come out a better team. I think a lot of teams are quick to make adjustments at the first sign of adversity instead of working through it.
To read the rest of the interview, click here.