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QPAD, the Swedish company world-renowned for it’s premium gaming gear, today announced the release of the new JAEGARN X3 movie at Dreamhack Summer 2010 on the main stage 23:30 19th of June.
After 400 hours of work and a release party with the Swedish CS elite, it is finally time for the public world premiere of Mark "Xenoqs" Andersson's latest creation; JAEGARN X3 The premiere will take place on the main stage at Dreamhack on Saturday June 19th at 23:30. After the premiere you will be able to download the movie from Already now you can pre-order a limited special edition of QPAD CT JAEGARN X3 edition.
-This frag movie is in a completly new league. We are proud to be one of the sponsors. Says Christer Körnbäck. Founder of QPAD
It's been a while since we last saw a Jaegarn video, how is it that you chose to make another one?
-Fredrik chose to retire from Counter-Strike in summer 2009 and not go full heart any longer. I thought it could be fun with a last video tribute to him.
Who have done what in the work process?
-I have always liked to do the intro / outro, but never really thought that the frag parts is my thing, therefore, I took Daniel "Squilla" Tayyar and "logo" to help me with the frag parts.
You chose to have a sneak premiere at your home before the release, how was the response?
"We got very good feedback and most guests thought it was a funny thing. I must of course thank Qpad and Kaspersky who made this event possible. It was a really relaxing evening where gamers hung out with each other without a connection to any tournament.
What is the future, will we see any more Jaegarn videos?
-You never know, but right now I have no demos left, so it is up to Fredde to start fragging again, haha.
Do you have any plans to do a similar series of perhaps any other player or team?
-As it looks right now, I have plans for a larger project, but I can not reveal more:)
JAEGARN X3 info:
Estimated number of work hours: 400
Overall Length: ~ 11min 40sec
Resolution 720p (1280x720)
Project staff:
Markus' Xenoq "Andersson
Daniel "Squilla" Assor
Tayyar "logo" Baran
About QPAD:
QPAD is a world-renowned premium brand working exclusively with lifestyle products and peripherals for computer gaming. QPAD have been sponsoring electronic sports for over 10 years, and beyond that been used by gamers for over 16 years. QPAD brings a no nonsense approach to gaming peripherals where quality and feeling always have been the lead words during development. QPAD takes no short cuts and makes no compromises when it comes to producing the best gaming products the world has seen. The Q in QPAD stands for quality. For more information on QPAD, visit the official website: