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Quake Live is bringing you it’s first big event on Saturday May 9th at 3pm EST. The United States will be taking on the Canadians in a capture the flag, clan arena and team death match format. It will be a best of three style of play per each game type. djWHEAT and co-host Rod 'Slasher' Breslau will be shoutcasting all day here on compLexiTV.
Team USA
Team USA is in good hands with former Quake 2 veteran David “icel0rd” Ritson as their captain. They also have several other familiar faces such as dkt, chance and DaHanG.
David "icel0re" Ritson (Captain)
Tim "DaHanG" Fogarty
Greg "wn" Paris
Viju "viju" Patel
Brian "dkt" Flander
Chance "chance" Lacina
Daniel "carnage" Sturdivant
Mike "perfuse" Hooper
Team Canada
Canada also has their fair share of quality and experienced players. Their captain, Andrew “id” Trulli, is known for his amazing flag running abilities and in depth experience in Quake. But on the other hand, they have a few new, up and coming players that will be refreshing to see.
Andrew "id" Trulli (Captain)
Ricardo "dragaox" Bronze
Andrew "everkill" Darrow
Jeff "Flysher" Heakes
Darko "darko" Delevski
Stay tuned to this weekend for the all the action!