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Legendary Team3D and compLexity star Ronald "Rambo" Kim joins GB.
In breaking news, we have learned Ronald "Rambo" Kim has joined the Green Berets ("GB"). GB, the long standing U.S. team lead by James "Jame^s" O'connor, has been a staple of CS for years.
Stay tuned for a quote as soon as we can contact Ronald.
UPDATE: We spoke with Ron today and he let us know this is a temporary move on his part in order to keep his CS skills sharp.
GB's current CEVO ready roster is:
matt "PaTyoJoN" iantosca
CJ "peachie" Spilewski
josh "pinekone" springer
james "Jame^s" oconnor
Ted "LuckeyTed" Weinrich
william "Sh0ts" griffith
Joe "perez" Perez
mark "masternook" torrez
Ron "Rambo" Kim