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It is with a mixture of excitement and sadness that we announce the final days of version 4 of
v4 originally started development in 2005 but did not fully materialize until our rush to get back online in December of 2008. After the closure of the CGS, The Syndicate was left without an online home. Hundreds and hundreds of hours were poured into the project over a few weeks and v4 was released to the coL Community on December 31, 2008.
Although v4 was a good filler for the past couple years it never was the website we wanted nor the one the coL Community deserved. Thus, we are very happy to announce that Version 5.0 will soon be released in Beta form.
Version 5.0 features a new design which was created to facilitate easy surfing and optimal user interfaces. It makes it easier for you to gather information quickly but still enjoy the features you have come to enjoy over the years. After the release of 5.0 we will be continually adding new features to keep your compLexity Gaming surfing experience one of the best in all of eSports.
Special thanks go out to tehbizness, aMies, Jdubya and Hatick for their work on this new project.
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