Stream Team Adds Justine

Today the compLexity Gaming family is honored to add it’s most recent member - Justine “Justine” Wu.

The young streamer has been a rising star in Hearthstone since her first venture into the game only a short time ago. Consistent streams and high ladder performances, coupled with her masterful piloting of the Combo Priest deck, became her trademarks in the community . Those traits paired with a relaxed attitude and the desire to improve every single day make her a unique competitor in this space. Starting the game as a Free-2-Play player, Justine proceeded to grind all the way to the top with limited resources and an unrivaled determination. Racking up HCT points left, right and center, she’s on the verge of qualifying for the North American prelims in her first try this year, a feat that few women before her have accomplished!

“I am very happy to have Justine on board. All of our players respect and believe in her, which is something I personally love to see. This team was built and fostered on the foundation of a strong team unity and camaraderie - I am more than certain that Justine fits right in!”

- Sören “Fantasy” Vendsahm, Assistant General Manager

Now it’s time for the next step in her young career - being a part of a professional organization with the guidance of the best players in the world! The entire compLexity family is looking forward to walking the path to glory alongside Justine, from HCT Prelims to HCT Tour stops down the line.

Give the newest compLexity member a warm welcome on Twitter as well as on her next stream.

Welcome, Justine!

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