Team x3o In the News

Team x3o was featured in local news in a story titled "Gaming Becomes Serious Business". Below is a snippet from the article.

Rockville, Md. (WUSA)-Its a weeknight in Rockville and Team X30 is blasting its cyberspace competition once again.

"We're definitely very serious, we have a set practice schedule, we're doing 16 to 20 hours a week," says Team Manager Nick Fitzsimmons.

And when it comes to the video game counterstrike, there's no better team.

"We're at the top, we're number one in the country."

Cybergaming has become big business complete with its own world championship, sponsors and people making a living off of it.

"We should be hitting $100,000 as a team this year."

Click the link below for the rest of the article along with a video clip.

Source: WUSA9

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