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Valve released a TF2 update relating to the character load out screens and to help support future features. TF2 players now have an “inventory backpack” were players can delete items from their inventory using the new Backpack menu feature. This does not reset achievements. Once an item has been deleted it can never be re-earned. In addition you have the ability to restart your stats but you still keep your achievements. Lastly, Scouts now drop the flag if they're carrying it when they start phasing.
Game Changes
- Reworked the character loadout screens to support future features.
- Added the ability for players to permanently delete items from their inventory using the new Backpack menu. This does not reset achievements. Once an item has been deleted it can never be re-earned.
- Added the ability for players to reset their player stats using the Reset Stats button on the Stats menu. This does not reset achievements.
- Added a "player_teleported" game event that is sent when a player is teleported.
- Updated cp_junction_final to score per-capture instead of per-round. This fixes the map not working correctly with Tournament mode and the stopwatch.
- Scouts now drop the flag if they're carrying it when they start phasing.
- Fixed instances where Steam connection problems would cause some unlocked items to be unusable.
- Fixed the custom crosshair menu not clearing itself when "None" is selected for non-English clients.
- Fixed warning about not being able to execute skill1.cfg when starting the dedicated server.